
    We have 3 of these wings in stock and need to blow a couple of them out the door. They all fly well and are in good condition. But, you need to decide which color you like.

    This one in particular blinded me at first, but the Green & Yellow look pretty nice on a black or yellow trike. (especially if you’re a John Deere fan…) I think there is 80 or 90 hours on this wing. I’ve been using it for training the last 12 hours and it’s simply too fast for my newbies. Speaking of which, it cruises at about 56 and tops out at 65 or so depending upon your trimmed position & payload.
    If you’ve found this site, you probably know what these cost new. It’s a bit sickening. Make a fair offer & we’ll talk.
    Price: $3500.00