
    Training FAQ

    Recently the Federal Aviation Administration created a new category of pilot called the Sport Pilot. This initiative has dramatically reduced the cost of learning to fly and opened up 100’s of new options for aircraft.

    Sport Pilot certificates require as little as 20 hours of instruction from an FAA certified flight instructor.
    The holder of a sport pilot license may fly a light sport aircraft (a 2 place aircraft weighing less than 1320 lbs) unlimited distances within the United States , in good weather, during daylight hours.
    Along with the new pilot rules, the FAA created a new category of aircraft called the Light Sport Aircraft (LSA). These new airplanes offer brand new aircraft with modern technology, similar capabilities to GA & low operating costs. In addition to new sport pilot candidates, this new Sport Pilot License is available to current and former pilots who have chosen to NOT renew their medical certificates.
    The FAA requires a minimum of 15 hours of flight training and 5 hours of supervised solo prior to taking a Practical Exam (your final exam). We understand that each individual learns differently and at a different pace, however flying consistently (two or three times per week)(or traveling to to one of our locations for a one week concentrated course) and diligently studying your written material(available on DVD), should keep your costs toward the minimum. The average cost of a full Sport Pilot course ranges from $4500 – $10,000 depending on experience, weather, athleticism, and aircraft configuration. This typically includes both the cost of aircraft rental and hiring your instructor – and finding out that you really ARE interested in more technical training than you thought; such as changing the oil, tuning wings, balancing carburetors & becoming self-reliant from a maintenance perspective… Ultimately, the total cost is a notable savings when compared to the typical $16,000 required for a private pilot certificate at most reputable flight schools.

    The fundamental qualifications for becoming a sport pilot are quite simple. Remember, the main idea behind the sport pilot movement is to open up the exciting world of recreational aviation to many more enthusiasts. We love aviation and want to share that joy with you and many others!

    Accordingly, the qualifications are modest:

    • At least 17 years of age
    • Valid state driver’s license
    • Proficient in the English language
    • Be able to affirm general good health and not using substances or medications that impede judgment, cognition, or motor skills
    A desire to learn and a driver’s license. For the most part, you can show up for your first flight lesson with nothing but a sense of adventure. The aircraft and fuel are included in your price of instruction, so all you need are yourself, your learning skills, and your desire for FUN! Just bring your valid state driver’s license and get started!
    Once you’ve achieved your sport pilot certificate, you’ll likely find yourself exploiting every possible opportunity to get out and FLY! You might plan an ambitious coast-to-coast trip, hopping your way across the country through clear-weather routes. Maybe you’ll fly away with a friend for a weekend getaway or spend a few hours practicing at the local airport. Or maybe you’ll take in scenic vistas from above. Whatever the plan — however simple or grandiose — it will center on enjoying the world from a different perspective, and feeling the exhilaration, freedom, and satisfaction of flying an aircraft yourself.
    Recreational flight is statistically among the safest outdoor motor sports. Although every activity – even walking outside to collect your morning newspaper – carries a degree of inherent risk, flying for fun falls well within the safety margins that most people expect for recreational activity. And flying as a sport pilot eliminates several risk factors, making it potentially even safer than other general-aviation flying. Because the sport pilot’s flight activities by definition entail daylight, favorable weather, good visibility, and light aircraft capable of low-speed flight, the sport pilot can focus on FUN instead of worry.
    The minimum number of flight training hours for achieving a sport pilot certificate to fly an airplane is 20. Those training hours will include dual instruction (instructor and student), cross-country flying (departing one airport and landing at another), and solo flights. The number of days or weeks required to log those 20 or more hours of instruction is really up to you and your instructor. Will you set aside several days for immersive flight instruction or will you spread out the flight lessons over a period of weeks?
    When operating as a sport pilot, you as the pilot must operate within the following guidelines of the sport pilot certificate: Privileges:
    • Operate as pilot in command of a sport pilot eligible aircraft
    • Carry a passenger and share expenses (fuel, oil, airport expenses, and aircraft rental);
    • Fly during the daytime using visual flight rules (VFR). Three statute miles visibility and visual contact with the ground are required.
    • Cross-country flying anywhere in the U.S.
    • Fly up to 10,000 feet above mean sea level (MSL).
    • Fly solo or with one passenger.
    • Share operating expenses with another person.
    • Fly in Class E and G airspace (and B, C, and D airspace with appropriate training).
    • Allows sport pilots to fly production (standard airworthiness certificate) and experimental amateur-built aircraft that meet the definition of a light-sport aircraft.
    • Allows rental of special light-sport aircraft (S-LSA).
    • Prohibited from Class A airspace.
    • Prohibited from flying in Class B, C, or D airspace until you receive training and a logbook endorsement from an instructor.
    • No flights outside the U.S. without prior permission from the foreign aviation authority.
    • May not tow any object.
    • No flights while carrying a passenger or property for compensation, hire, or
    • Prohibited from flying in furtherance of a business.
    Yes. Although many Sport Pilots will remain recreational pilots only others may choose to go on to more advanced training such as Private Pilot, Instrument Rated Pilot, Commercial Pilot, Certified Flight Instructor, and ATP. Your Sport Pilot training is an excellent foundation for this advanced training and is often far cheaper than initial training at a more advanced school. This content is courtesty of and This is one of the better interpretations we have seen. More (specific) information can be found in FAR/AIM. We recommend looking at this information.