

New Plane of Tom

    New Plane of Tom
    I’m not a big Airborne fan, but sometimes there’s certain planes for certain people & there’s no getting around it. So we got Tom an Airborne Tundra. But, we put a Northwing Strutted wing on it for portability. Nice plane. Den – 509.990.5060 Iphone Email

    Giff is always here & ready to go before the sun rises animal

      Category: Event

      Giff is Always Ready

      We get these 3 or 4 weeks of really stable conditions here in early September just before the temp starts to drop. It’s like jet stream & ocean currents are slack while they decide our fate for Fall & Winter. Great flying.


      Dustin & his new SLSA Northwing Scout XC with GT5 wing.

        Dustin & His New SLSA Northwing Scout XC with GT5 Wing
        He’s been here for 6 days & is almost complete – but has to head back to Idaho for hay season before finishing training. Its the end of May here & the days are hot & windy – but the mornings (airborne by 5:30am) are super smooth & allow for t-shirts & flip flops at altitude. In the afternoon, we fly up over Lake Pleasant to stay out of the thermals. I like this time of year but its time to start thinking about Washington for the summer. Nice flying, Dustin! Southern Idaho is ready for a new WSC instructor – you’re going to do really well! Den – 509.990.5060 Iphone Email

        Milton And His Air Creation Tanarg Finally Heading Out

          Milton and his Air Creation
          Milton just finished his 3rd training session & is ready to haul his bird back to South Dakota. Its always strange watching the planes & pilots leave after getting to know both of their personalities… Have a good trip Milt! Den – 509.990.5060 Iphone Email

          Film crew heading out!

            Film crew heading out!

            What a loooong week with film crew! But with over 600 miles of flying under our belts, we should have some incredible footage. I know cameras dont run on ‘thanks’ but the obviously run on tequila…. Thanks Cornerbooth Media for all your hard work. Cant wait to see how it all turns out! Den – 509.990.5060 Iphone Email