
    This trike has been meticulously maintained & cared for by a gentleman that can’t imagine it any other way. It is the smoothest running 503 I’ve ever encountered and looks brand new even though it has almost 400 hours on it. It has a BRS-900 & the GTE Sport Pod with Windshield and full instrumentation.
    There is no electric start but starts in 2 or 3 pulls. How would a guy put 400 hours on a pull start if it didn’t!? Yikes! If you want e-start, let’s talk and we’ll see what we can do.
    The wing is a red/black/white Northwing Strutted 15.0 meter with red-painted streamlined struts.
    There are no tears or damage of any kind. This particular wing is the best flying wing I’ve ever flown in the bumps including the Ixess, XP15, Spirit, XP12, LaMouette 14.9… I’ve been trying to get Kamron at Northwing to examine it and make a few more precisely like it. The trike has a cordura custom cover. Gearbox is a C (3.47:1.0) with a 3-blade Arplast Eco Prop.
    Full comtronics communications for two, patch cord & Icom A-5 w/ PTT are included. The trike is fully instructional as well so we can finish your training in it. We still have the steel crating supports so we can easily box it & ship it anywhere at fair charge.
    Price: $14,000